Writer's Workshop

In an ideal world with an ideal schedule we would have a 1-hour block of writing time daily.  With a 1-hour writing block the following schedule is loosely followed.  We say loosely because we know that some lessons require more time for one component or another.  We work flexibly within the following framework:
MINI LESSON      ----->     WORK TIME     ----->     RE-GROUP     ----->     WORK TIME     ----->     SHARE 

Mini Lesson: Short, sweet, to the point; Focus on 6 traits, genre, strategies, etc.
Work Time: Students continue writing with independence
                          Teachers meet with students in flexible focus groups and 1-on-1
Re-group: Students and teacher come back together if needed/as needed throughout the writing block to revisit mini-lesson and refocus writing time
Share: 1-2 students share out with the class.  Focus student discourse on strategies used, qualities of good writing.

*This is not our original work but what we have learned from experts, research, and classes.  Credit due to Lucy Calkins, Sam Bennett and other masters in the field.  Please view our resource page for more information on the resources we use.*